Jose Borrego Law

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Feeling lucky

What a strange coincidence it is that the harder I work, the luckier I get..- Unknown

I've been hearing "You're lucky" a lot lately.  It's a compliment, and yes I am very grateful for my blessings.   (Although I have my problems just like everyone else.)

It's also true that whatever prompted that statement didn't just happen by accident.  

If by "lucky" you mean;  I worked my way through school,  work to keep myself in shape,  work to stay in touch with business & professional contacts,  work hard for my clients and to maintain my business.  Make my family, friends, community & wife a priority,  and I work to keep faith in God than,  yes......……I'm lucky.   

Get out there and make your own luck!

José Borrego


(916) 446-4911

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