Sole practiTioner
Sole practitioner: a professional who practices independently.
I’ve been the only attorney in my own law office for decades now. It’s been a good legal life working closely with my staff. My clients know who their lawyer is, and I am confident in the work that we do because I am personally involved in every case.
I have also enjoyed the almost daily exchange of ideas which showing up in person in court gives me. Anyone who’s been to court know that there are always many cases calendared at the same time. During the downtime, milling around the courthouse halls or in the waiting areas, attorneys would chat about the latest cases, a certain Judge’s position on an issue, or just catch up on what was going on in their lives.
For the last 2 years COVID and the onset of virtual proceedings has ended all of that. What’s more, many California courts are debating a permanent virtual future where hearings and conferences are always done remotely.
Psychologists would say that face to face “debriefing” is vital to mental health and clarity. In fact bouncing ideas off one another is how many of us learn. Not to mention, seeing friends and opposing counsel in person often leads to great discussions about issues facing us lawyers. In this pandemic legal universe it’s becoming more difficult and important for professionals to find ways to have these vital interactions. Group chats, zoom meetings and occasional lunches are great, but nothing will ever beat real, good old fashioned, human contact!
José A Borrego
Attorney at Law
Workers Compensation, Social Security Disability, Family Law
(916) 446-14911
730 Alhambra Blvd #208 SAC CA 95816
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