The extra mile
The road to the extra mile is never crowded.- Unknown
The error on the Entry of Judgement after divorce seemed minor. My client’s maiden name was not restored correctly. As with many women, the return of my client’s pre-marriage name was an important milestone in leaving her marriage in the past and moving on to a new future.
Today I appeared in court, and asked a Judge to correct the error. Technically, my work ended when the divorce was approved and the Judge’s order signed. But that wasn’t what would make my client happy. So I filed for a hearing and asked a Judge to amend the order to the correct maiden name free of charge.
“It’s bad business to do this work pro bono” some would say. I say that my business is to help my clients complete and recover from their divorce in any way that I can!
José A. Borrego
(916) 446-4911
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