Preparing for 2025

Preparing for a new year means reviewing the one you’re leaving. Find a little time, a quiet place, and answer these questions to help you maximize your success in 2025:

-What did I change my mind about this year? Successful, intelligent people are able to change their mind on important topics with time and experience. New information means different ideas.

-What energized me this year? Activities, people, or projects that sparked your fire for life. Can you spend more time on these in the future?

-What drained my energy this year? Activities, people or projects that drained you.  Work to minimize these in the new year.

-What weighed me down? All of us have people, mindsets, or actions that are like weights around our necks. People who laugh at our ideas, self sabotaging behaviors or bad habits. Work to cut  these out of your  life.

-What did I avoid because I was afraid? Reflecting and confronting fear is the only way to overcome it and succeed. If you cannot do it on your own, seek professional help like a therapist or spiritual advisor.  Overcoming fear is vital to achieving more in life.

-What were my biggest successes? What worked spectacularly in 2024. Being honest with yourself can show you how to replicate success.

-What were my failures? As hard as it is, sitting with your failures and deconstructing them is key to learning from them.  Brutal honesty can show you how to avoid your past mistakes.

-What did I learn? Your answers above give your constructive feedback about your year. With that information, you’re in a great position to take action and conquer 2025!

José Borrego


(916) 446-4911

Jose Borrego