Undocumented worker rights
1. State Disability Benefits
Apply for at Employment Development Department and certified by a physician. An undocumented injured worker who has paid into the disability fund pursuant to UI Code §144 and UI Code§2626, who cannot work due to a mental or physical condition has the right to apply for state disability benefits. Ayala v. Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (1976) 54, Cal. App.3d 676
2. Workers' Compensation Benefits
8 CCR 10455(e): A worker is not required to disclose their social security number to claim injury benefits. If a worker discloses their Social Security number, the number will be used solely for identification and verification purposes. Eligible for disability payments, medical treatment, and permanent disability award. Lab. Code §1171.5(b): For purposes of enforcing state labor, employment, civil rights, consumer protection, and housing laws, a person's immigration status is irrelevant to the issue of liability…
3. Medical Treatment via Medi-Cal
Undocumented persons may apply and qualify for non-emergency Medi-Cal if younger than 26 or older than 50 or if they are currently or recently pregnant.
Free consult: 9169132938
José Borrego
(916) 446-4911