
As Latino attorneys, we stand on the shoulders of giants. In a profession that still has less than 5% Latinos, California Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso was one of those giants.  A man with a creative and brilliant mind who was down to earth and witty.   In one famous decision he penned the court’s opinion that non-English-speaking defendants must have interpreters in criminal court. He wrote, that our laws “require that all persons tried in a California court understand what is happening about them…who would have it otherwise?”

In my personal encounters with Justice Reynoso, he often spoke of his humble upbringing as a farm worker, and talked of the racism he overcame in Mexican only schools and institutions where speaking Spanish was severely punished.  In courtrooms, community forums, and even with U.S. Presidents, Justice Reynoso never lost sight of where he came from and advocated for the poor and underprivileged until his last days.

In my practice today, I try to remember Justice Reynoso’s tireless battles for those who would otherwise have no voice.  As Cruz so eloquently showed us, no matter our area of practice, we as Latino lawyers can all do our small part to ensure that the courts are accessible to all people!

José Borrego


(916) 446-4911

Jose Borrego